Comparison of wholesale markets in Guangzhou and Yiwu

    2018-07-25 10:05:42

    When you plan to go to China to import, you will usually encounter this problem: whether to go to Guangzhou or Yiwu. Based on its 20 years of foreign trade experience, Sellersunion Online summed up the difference between the Yiwu wholesale market and the Guangzhou wholesale market.

    First, the wholesale market in Guangzhou generally has a small batch size, and the wholesale market in Yiwu generally has a large batch size. Wholesale markets in Guangzhou can be sold in dozens or more, which is more suitable for replenishment. However, Yiwu's wholesale market generally has to be wholesaled for hundreds (or more than a few thousand yuan), which is more suitable for the whole wholesale, not suitable for small and medium-sized online shop owners to replenish.

    Second, Guangzhou's wholesale market trading companies are more, Yiwu's wholesale market manufacturers are more.

    Third, Guangzhou's wholesale market can generally be shipped the same day or get the same day, Yiwu's wholesale market generally takes a few days to ship.

    Fourth, the wholesale market in Guangzhou generally has warehouses nearby. There is no warehouse near the wholesale market in Yiwu. Generally, it is in a faraway place and is shipped directly by the manufacturer.

    5. The wholesale market in Guangzhou is gradually formed by the market economy and has poor planning. The wholesale market in Yiwu is emerging, and due to the government's leadership and involvement, planning is better.

    Sixth, the wholesale market in Guangzhou closed at 7 o'clock in the afternoon, and the wholesale market in Yiwu closed at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

    Seventh, Guangzhou's wholesale market has a narrow aisle, and Yiwu's wholesale market has a wide aisle.

    Eight, Guangzhou's wholesale market is noisy, Yiwu's wholesale market is quiet. Guangzhou's wholesale market can be shipped directly, so trolleys and trucks are everywhere. The wholesale market in Yiwu is shipped directly from the factory, so the market is relatively quiet.

    Purchasing goods in Yiwu and Guangdong wholesale markets may be a bit hard for you. This is a physical and patient marathon. What's more, there may be cultural differences when you communicate with suppliers. At this time, Sellersunion Online thinks you need a Chinese purchasing agent. You can choose us, we are part of the Sellersunion Group, a foreign trade company with 20 years of work experience and 1,000 employees.

    Even more rare is that the Sellersunion Online platform brings together 500,000 products and 15,000+ suppliers. You visit Xaar Online is equivalent to visiting the entire Yiwu market.

    When you purchase products in China, you will also encounter some problems:

    A) Full a container is difficult for them.

    B) They can’t afford the high transportation cost.

    C) The quantity of products they need doesn’t meet the minimum order quantity.

    At this time you can also consider our website proxy service.

    What's the website agency mode

    Website agency mode is a customized products website for customers which based on Sellersunion Online product database. The basic functions and products of this website are same as Sellersunion Online. Customers can use this website to sell products and broaden their business.

    At present, Sellersunion Online has a total of 35 product categories and 360,000 products. When you become our website agency, you can use this product database for free.

    We will provide personalized customization services, technical support and products procurement and trade service for you. All you need to do is to promote your website in your country or region, let more local small wholesale buyers know this website and make order by this, and Then you need to collect the order for us, we will operate the next processes for you until you receive the products. When you receive the products you can distribute them to your customers.

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